Thursday, February 12, 2015

Answers in Unexpected Places

This post doesn't belong on this blog.

Let me fill your ears, and eyes, and brains with someone and something very special to me.

When I think to myself, the wonders of this world.. this life, I think about how I want to live it. I think about how I want to leave my stamp on the map that is history. Sure, I catch myself day dreaming of winning the lottery, buying myself and family and friends so many cool things and how life would be simpler. I think about the lives I can change, the things I could do that would make me happy. Mostly I think about making the people I care about proud.

Tonight, lying in my bed, pondering the immensity that is life. It hit me. I don't need money, I don't need unrealistic things to he happy, or to leave my mark, or to make everyone proud. I have everything I need to do that now. I have the man you see at the top of this page. He's set the example for me, he's given me everything I could want and more. He's the role model every child grows up dreaming about, and he's brought it to fruition right in front of me. Its etched into my mind like a pen to paper or the composition of the very words of this blog on my screen.

This man has wisdom, and he has strength. He has more courage and love and grace in his little finger than I could ever imagine having in my lifetime. Above all else, this man has God in his heart. What more of a role model could I ask for? I day dream so many days about what I would do if I were to win the lottery. The funny thing is, I'm wasting those days away. I'm so naive! I won the lottery 23 years ago when he and my gorgeous mother had me. And I'm not talking about a Weekly Grand... The lottery I won is unimaginable. It's inconceivable. I was given the greatest man in my life.
Not only does he help me with life and with the struggles of the world; he keeps me in check. He makes sure the one thing I keep at my forefront is God. He always reminds me that our simplistic problems, our "agony" of modern day, doesn't blur the fact that my relationship with God is the most important thing. I believe he has set the bar pretty high himself when I sit back and look at his life. He doesn't have to preach it, he LIVES it.

His words and advice are so comforting, and consoling, yet it's the way he lives that screams at me. He could never had said a word to me my entire life and I would still have the best example of a man.
He's even proud of me enough to stick his thumb up and support me at a school that's ridiculed and the tail end of every joke. I hope to be a minuscule speck of the man he is today, because if that were true, I know I will be a great man.

The very first sentence of this post says, "This post doesn't belong on this blog." It's true. This blog is titled The Search for Answers. Sometimes answers don't come from asking questions. Sometimes answers don't come from the typical means of everyday life. Sometimes answers show up even though we were sure there wasn't an answer, because we weren't looking for one.

My answer came from a simple day dream about winning the lottery, only for me to snap out of my daze and realize I have won the lottery, and it's still paying off after 23 years.

Love you Pops


  1. In life, there are very few defining moments. If they were easily obtained, they would hold little value. This blog, for me, is a defining moment. As parents, we strive to raise healthy, happy, well adjusted, productive citizens that we can send out into this world to make it a better place. When we can show them the love of God, teach them respect and still be considered their "friend" when they reach adulthood, I have to give all that credit to The One that is due and thank Him for his grace and mercy. I'm just thankful He picked us to be your parents! Love you Baby!

  2. WoW Trey~that is an awesome piece...well said

  3. Very special article and your parents are very special people for they are children of God just as they have raised you. I have known your dad for most of his life and he is and has always been one of my favorite people. I don't know Tammy that well but I trust Johnny to choose the woman God planned for him. Know that you are indeed blessed and from the article your wrote, your parents are also.
