(For the record, this blog will not be written with proper form, if there is such a thing for a blog. I write this from the perspective of my mind. I say every word in my head before I type it. Almost as though I am dictating to you all. Therefore, I will make a slight effort to be proper in my techniques (OCD- I can't help it) but if you don't like it, I'm sorry and you're missing the point. And you can cram my improper grammar up your butt.)
I believe happiness is a thing most people seek out in life. Whether that be through achievement, or money, or basically anything you think can make you happy. We as people are designed that way. Happiness is the symbolic comfort blanket to our lives. We want to be wrapped up in it and feel secure, which is perfectly normal and acceptable. We just need to make sure we get our happiness from the right sources.
In my latest post, I shared with you that I love people that have treated me wrong or who may have given me reasons not to love them. On that same basis, that is how my happiness works as well. I feel as though happiness is a state of mind. A choice, if you will. In the sense that we can take any situation we come to in life and make it positive. Find that silver lining that makes your heart smile. Chose to be happy because being unhappy sucks. Even when it's tough, you have to realize that The Big Homeboy in the Sky only gives us at most 100 some odd years to live. Why waste it away being unhappy? Dwelling on the past or stressing about the future. As a dear friend and mentor in my life would say, "Get the refrigerator off your back!" Shed that jumpsuit of unhappiness and dance in the wonderful nakedness that is happiness. Have you ever seen someone dance naked that was unhappy? (Strippers don't count) We have been blessed by the Creator with these lives that we don't get back.
Opportunity lies at your door, and dear God, it's ringing the doorbell so much it should drive us crazy. Get in your car, drive to your favorite place, listen to your favorite song, take your favorite people and live. Bask in the immensity that is happiness. Our God made our world endless for a reason. You can't ever be too happy. Tell that girl or that guy how you feel. Tell people you love them. If nothing else say hi to someone you don't know. It might just possibly make their day, or make them smile or feel a feeling they wouldn't have felt otherwise.
If you don't think you can do it, that's ok. Step back and look back at what you have in your life. Even the most downtrodden person can still step back and say that they're alive. That means they have possibility. And guess what my friends, possibility is endless. You can make something out of nothing. You can turn the simple act of understanding that you're alive and that your heart is beating, and then you can't help but be happy. You're God's greatest creation. You want to put life into perspective? You could have been a grain of sand, or a mustard seed. Heck you could have been the dingleberry on a goats butt, but you're not. You're getting the grandest opportunity of all... being a human. Don't throw it away. Carpe Diem. You owe it to yourself and the people around you, people who care about you, to be happy.
So I challenge you to take inventory of your life and find your happiness. Then, take the bad things in life and create happiness. Find that silver lining, and convert the bad in your life to happiness fuel. Those bad things may seem terrible, but they are lessons learned. They are mountains climbed. Its all pushing you forward and upward in life. You just have to see it.
Your life is full of choices. One of the most important choices is how we are going to perceive our lives. What viewpoint are we gonna take? I'll tell you one thing baby, mine is going to be happy and positive just like The Dude in the Sky intended.
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