Monday, February 9, 2015

The Beauty of Film

Recently, I have indulged in a new Netflix series that has caught my attention. I have uncovered something amazing, and there is a good chance it has nothing to do with the actual show.

Over my 23 years on this earth, I have always looked to TV or movies as strictly entertainment. This being said, I feel as though I have wasted 23 years of possibilities. Film isn't just about entertainment, thought that is usually the end goal. Film has a way to speak to you, to open your mind and make you question things you never have before.

I have discovered a show that, for me, evokes emotion. Watching this series isn't just a hobby, or a way to pass the time. It makes me question life, and love. It makes me question people and their choices. It encourages me to search for the reasons why. I don't know if it is just this particular show that does it, or if I've reached some sort of enlightenment in my life where I am going to look deeper than just the outward meaning of a film. No certain film is the same for everyone, film is dynamic. Either way film is no slouch when it comes to meaning. Contrary to popular belief, the same depth and meaning you get from a book can also come from film.

All this being said, I need to make something clear. Writing this post has made me question my sanity. Seriously, I am writing a blog about One Tree Hill(OTH). I've gone out of my way to basically invade your life with a blog about me watching some "chick show." I know I haven't lost my mind, its just funny to think that I'm writing this blog about something so insignificant as a TV series. but its not insignificant. Insignificance is a choice. If you allow something to be significant, it will be. Just as I've done with this show.

Let me just tell you now, that its not about the show. Its about the way the show makes you feel. OTH is an old soap opera-esque film about high school students that aired during the 2000's on the CW. To put this in perspective, the main character is Chad Michael Murray, and he was clearly in his hay-day.

**I grew up with a sister close to the same age as myself, therefore I know all the heart-throb actors and actresses, and for that matter I have watched hours of "chick flick" materials. Thanks Cheyenne, haha. To date, these chick flick movies have had more meaning and intellectual depth than most movies made in my opinion.


Let this post open your eyes, and let it open your perspective. There is so much more to life and film than entertainment. Find a silver lining, a deeper meaning, or a life lesson in film. More than likely the film was made for the deeper purpose rather than spending millions of dollars on a movie or tv show to just entertain you.

Stop being naive and ignoring the fact that there is more to life. Life is what you make it. Ive chosen to let film influence me to see the world from a new perspective. You can chose the same or you can continue to live your life the way you are. Thank God for free will; am I right?

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